Dear Diary (11)
Monday, October 1, 2012 at 9:45PM
Dr. Rhia in Albert, Buddha, Dr. Rhia, Einstein, Wise, children, family, quotes

Holiday Day #11

Dear Diary:

Today we taught our kids a new board game. In Wise or Otherwise, the object is to create the end half of an old proverb and, hopefully, convince other players that your answer is the right one.

And I made an error of judgement; I reckoned that, being only 10, 12, and 13, the children wouldn't write great answers. When the first round answers were read, there was only ONE ridiculous response...and it was mine! 

I was reminded that -

But, to be fair to myself, I also knew that -

Most importantly, however, as young as the children are and even with the challenges they have, I was reminded of Buddha's words -

So the children learned a new board game and I learned a valuable life lesson.


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