We've all heard of the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon...so I'm hoping that the same connections can be made to Oprah. Only, for my family, this isn't a game.
Dan and I adopted three children and although each has his or her own challenge, one has the significant challenge of living with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The care and attention we have to give is constant and, to be honest, exhausting.
The bottom line is that I have to work from home for our children. I'm currently writing a phonic chapter book series for 7-11 year olds but could really use an endorsement from Oprah. That's actually an understatement because, so far, I've sold 4 books...and 2 of those were to my sister! A 10 minute phone call or a direct e-mail to Oprah could change our lives.
So is it possible for me to contact Oprah in six steps? Who knows what may happen if everyone who reads this stumbles/tweets/texts/shares this any way he or she can. Can YOU help us please? I can be contacted through my website at http://dr-rhia.com/blog Thank you for helping.