Oprah is a beloved name in our house, just as in millions of households across the world (see the photos below taken at a wax museum). One of the things I respect most about her is that she came from little and worked hard to make her fame and fortune. I also respect that she helps others.
So, today I'm asking if you will please try to help me contact Oprah...for I need her help. Here's why: One of our three adopted children has schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The care, attention, and repeated teaching we have to give is constant and more challenging than ever now that puberty's hit. You may be wondering what that has to do with Oprah so I'll explain.
Because of my daughter's challenges, I have to work from home. I'm currently writing a phonic chapter book series for 7-11 year olds (this is my area of expertise and I've already co-authored a reading program) but I'm really, really bad at sales and need an endorsement from Oprah if I'm to make this work. A 10 minute phone call or e-mail could change our lives drastically.
I believe in miracles so ask that everyone who reads this stumbles/tweets/texts/shares this any way he or she can. Thank you for your support. I can be contacted through my website at http://dr-rhia.com/blog or at 520.906-6440.
Please Stumble this post (red button below) or share any way you can.
Also, don't forget to download the FREE chapter book for 7-10 year olds
from my website at http://dr-rhia.com/blog